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Open positions
Ankara, Izmir
Ön Muhasebe Sorumlusu

Accounting officers are recruited to work at the headquarters in İzmir and the branch office in Ankara.

Ankara, Izmir
Satış Mühendisi

Sales staff will be recruited to work at the Izmir headquarters and the Ankara branch.

Job application form

    Your Personal Information

    Your name and your surname*

    Date of birth*

    Place of birth*

    TC Identification number*


    Marital Status*

    Driving License (Date and Class)*

    Military Status*

    Home address*

    Phone number

    Mobile Phone Number*

    E mail address*

    Blood Type

    Educational Status and Professional Information

    Education Status

    Name of the last school you graduated from

    Your job

    Foreign languages you know

    Department you want to work in

    The date you can start

    Work Experiences

    Last business name

    Your Mission

    Gross wages

    Working Term

    Reason for Departure

    People We Can Get Information About You

    Name and surname


    Mobile Phone Number

    His duty

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